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Last updated:
Monday, April 04, 2005

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Quarter Cross-Stitch
Half Cross-Stitch
French knot

Home > Cross-Stitch index

General information: Cross-Stitch

Although research varies regarding when Cross-Stitch, as we know it today, began, one thing is known for sure -- it's been around for centuries.

It was about thirty years ago that cross-stitch's popularity was revitalized. And in these last three decades, we've seen the production of many new gorgeous fabrics and threads, not to mention, hundreds of thousands of designs -- from simple samplers to intricate works of art. There is something for every skill level and personal taste.

Your own cross-stitch experience may have started with a sampler, perhaps a printed pattern on a dishtowel or pillowcase, or a charted pattern of the many wonderful designs available today. No matter how you began, experienced stitchers know it's fun, relaxing and rewarding. For those just getting started beware -- it's also addictive!



General information
Hoops & scissors
Working from graphs
Getting started
Beginning and ending a thread
Working neater
Cleaning your needlework
Mounting Aida

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